This little beauty is a scratch built model created by the very talented Velbor. The ship is the HMS Camden Lock from Hyperdrive, the BBC 2 sitcom that I worked on. The ship design is a joint effort by writer Andy Riley, modeller Andrew Glazebrook and myself. Velbor created this from very little reference, guessing at sizes and proportions. He's got it almost spot on. The detail is great and its a very nice addition to my collection that means a lot to me. He's now got some proper reference and dimensions so he's planning on making one about two thirds of this size.
In Velbors own words: H.M.S. Camden lock , made from a leftover pillar from a gothic building kit, Various bits of tubes from broken toys, Plasticard and Milliput. Scale about 1/3000th . Diecast titanium shown for scale comparison.
In Velbors own words: H.M.S. Camden lock , made from a leftover pillar from a gothic building kit, Various bits of tubes from broken toys, Plasticard and Milliput. Scale about 1/3000th . Diecast titanium shown for scale comparison.